Webster’s Technique – Part III: Is Webster’s Technique Right For You?

Webster’s Technique – Part III: Is Webster’s Technique Right For You?

Chiropractic for Health in Royersford PA

Our previous posts on Webster’s Technique have focused on the application of the technique during pregnancy to help babies position themselves properly for delivery, ease pregnancy discomfort for the mother, and facilitate labor and delivery, but can Webster’s Technique help ease non-pregnancy related pain or discomfort?


Webster’s Technique Can Help With Sacrum And SI Pain
As we mentioned in our first post on Webster’s Technique, it is a specific chiropractic technique that helps to stabilize the sacrum and SI joint. While pregnant women often need this stabilization, men and non-pregnant women may also find themselves dealing with sacral problems and can find relief through chiropractic care.

Webster’s Technique is a specific sacral adjustment that can align the pelvis and restore nerve system function. When the pelvis is aligned, pelvic muscles and ligaments are balanced and torsion, pulling, and uneven pressure on nerves and muscles is reduced or eliminated.

Symptoms of Sacral Subluxation
We use the term subluxation to refer to a misaligned or slightly out of place vertebrae, but your sacrum (which is formed by the bottom of your spine and your pelvis) can suffer from subluxation too. When the sacrum has a subluxation, the SI joint locks up or gets stuck. Sacral Subluxation and/or SI joint dysfunction can happen to anyone, male or female, of any age. These subluxations happen when the sacrum moves slightly beyond its’ maximum range for some reason like accident or injury trauma, overextension, poor posture, arthritis, and very often, pregnancy.

The most common symptoms of a sacral or SI problem are: low back pain, sciatic nerve pain, stiffness, inflammation, and muscle spasms in the buttocks, hips, down the legs, and even the bladder and reproductive organs. Sacral subluxations can be extremely painful and make it difficult to do anything – sit, walk, stand – it all hurts dreadfully!

The good news is that sacral misalignment can be corrected using Webster’s Technique! Webster’s Technique helps put the pelvis back in its natural position, easing nerve, muscle, and ligament pain and discomfort.

If you are suffering from low back pain, SI pain, or sciatic nerve pain, contact Beacon of Life Chiropractic to arrange a consultation. Dr. Meg McClimon is trained in the Webster’s Technique and has helped many patients obtain relief from low back and sacroiliac pain.


10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm


Beacon of Life Chiropractic
70 Buckwalter Road #412
Royersford, PA 19468
(610) 474-2481